Eventuality Terms & Non-Disclosure Agreement

In addition to our standard terms of business, the purchase of the Eventuality Programme also requires your acceptance of a Non-Disclosure Agreement specific to this programme, as follows...

By purchasing this programme you are confirming your agreement to enter into this agreement...

I, the purchaser of the Trading University Eventuality Programme, hereby agree to the following privacy and nondisclosure agreement.

This agreement covers any and all information that I receive in the Trading University live event (on June 22nd 2018), publications, videos, emails, or by any other means in which this proprietary information is communicated to me, as part of the Trading University Eventuality Programme.

To protect the privacy and to preserve the proprietary nature of anything pertaining to the Trading University Eventuality Programme and received by me, I agree not to discuss, photocopy, record, disclose or redistribute it, in any way including orally, in writing, via electronic media etc.

I understand that the information and proprietary systems and strategies taught to me as part of the Trading University Eventuality Programme are for my own personal use only, and may not be shared in any way with any other party.

I also acknowledge that the Eventuality Programme is for use in my own personal trading and may not be used in any sort of fund or managed money scheme, however constructed.

I understand that any violation on my part of this privacy and nondisclosure agreement will be construed as a deliberate violation of copyright laws and a breach of the good faith in which I entered into this agreement.

I confirm I am of sound mind and therefore able to enter into this agreement with Trading Univer$ity Ltd and I agree without reservation to the terms set out above.


Name:            As provided at checkout


Date:              Date of payment


Signature:     Completed payment confirms my entering into this contract



Terms & Conditions

We also take this opportunity to remind you of our standard terms & conditions, as published on our website here:


Disclaimer & Risk Disclosure

We also take this opportunity to remind you of our standard disclaimer & risk disclosure, as published on our website here:


Privacy Policy

We also take this opportunity to remind you of our standard privacy policy, as published on our website here:
